On March 31 the RBDA held a virtual public meeting focused on what you and your neighbors can do to prepare for the next emergency given the lack of cell phone and internet coverage during a power outage. People who attended learned how to organize their neighborhood and select the right radio tools to create a grassroots communication system so that, when there’s no electricity, they can communicate with their neighbors, other Bonny Doon neighborhoods and emergency services outside Bonny Doon. Presentations were given by Dooners from different areas that have already used these techniques and radios to communicate with neighbors when trouble arises and others who are preparing to do so.
This resource page contains information that will help you get started and maintain your grassroots communication system. We’ll update this page as we get additional information.
If you didn’t attend the meeting start with this link to the zoom recording to get more detailed information. Our apologies, but the recording didn’t capture the introduction and initial presentation from LizAnne Jensen.
Recording of RBDA Meeting (March 31) here
MURS Radio Resources
BTECH MURS-V1 MURS Two-Way Radio (recommended by Ms. Mackay) here
Ms. Mackay’s video training session for the BTech MURS V1 here
Additional MURS radio resources
Models for organizing your neighborhood
Map Your Neighborhood links here and here
Firewise link here
QUESTIONS? There are people to help you.
- For radio related questions email Dawn Mackay dawnmackey411@gmail.com
- For all other questions email RBDA at board@rbda.us